
A Religião na América

A religiosidade de George W. Bush sempre incomodou a esquerda europeia bem pensante. Curiosamente é a mesma que anda extremamente entusiasmada com Barack Obama. Eu até acho muito bem! Afinal Obama é um produto de uma nova geração do Partido Democrata, mais moderado que a velha linha de Mcgovern/Dukakis. O seu recente apoio público a Israel e a sua determinação em impedir que o Irão obtenha armas nucleares são prova disso. Sobre a fé de Obama, era bom que aqueles que criticaram Bush pelo seu "fanatismo" religioso, a começar por Mário Soares, olhassem com atenção para Obama. Veja-se esta passagem de Ben Smith, no seu blogue do Politico.

The conservative Evangelical biographer of George W. Bush and Tom DeLay has moved on to a new subject: Barack Obama. And his new book, due out this summer, may lend credibility to Senator Obama's bid to win Evangelical Christian voters away from the Republican Party.

The forthcoming volume from Stephen Mansfield, whose sympathetic "The Faith of George W. Bush" spent 15 weeks on the New York Times bestseller list in 2004, is titled "The Faith of Barack Obama." Its tone ranges from gently critical to gushing, and the author defends Obama-and even his controversial former minister, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright-from conservative critics, and portrays him as a compelling figure for Christian voters.

"Young Evangelicals are saying, 'Look, I'm pro-life but I'm looking at a guy who's first of all black-and they love that; two, who's a Christian; and three who believes faith should bear on public policy," Mansfield, who described himself as a conservative Republican, said in a telephone interview. "They disagree with him on abortion, but they agree with him on poverty, on the war."

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