
What Iraq Needs Now

O Secretário Geral da União Patriótica do Curdistão e o Presidente do Partido Democrático do Curdistão, assinam hoje um artigo de opinião no NY Times, sob o lema what Iraq needs now. É bom vermos responsáveis Iraquianos a falar de liberdade, de democracia. Só por causa disto, já foi bom ter havido a intervenção da coligação no Iraque.
Mas não ha ilusões, e os iraquianos sabem disso. O caminho ainda será longo e tortuoso, muitas batalhas para ganhar e algumas derrotas. O que é necessário ter sempre em mente é o objectivo final: a democracia. Só assim os iraquianos poderão usufruir da liberdade e dos seus direitos.

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Some day, we Iraqis hope to celebrate an Independence Day like the one Americans have just observed. But for the near future we face the challenge of translating liberation into democracy — a goal we Kurds will push for even more diligently now that we have agreed to join the interim Iraqi administration that will be formed this month. To that end, we will work closely with the United States to establish security, revive the economy and build a democratic culture.

Thus far, the coalition has taken important steps toward promoting democracy. But aspects of the overall strategy remain vague. What Iraqis have learned from their encounters with American soldiers and officials is that they seek to democratize, not to dominate. While we are working with L. Paul Bremer III, the American occupation administrator, to set up constitutional councils to initiate the political process, we need to mark out a clear path toward national elections and representative government, so that Iraqis have some sense of certainty about their political future. One positive development is that the main Iraqi political groups have been able to reach consensus on the next stage of self-governance in Iraq

The new Iraq has to be different, a democratically created state that reflects the will of its peoples and accommodates their diversity. For that reason, and with United States backing, we advocate a federal system of government. Iraqi federalism will of course differ from that of the United States, but the fundamental principle will be the same: a balanced system of government with considerable local autonomy and a sovereign, federal center.

The first building blocks of Iraqi federalism and democracy have already been laid in Iraqi Kurdistan. Thanks to protection from American and British air power, facilitated by Turkey, Kurds have had 12 years of a sometimes faltering, but ultimately hopeful, experiment in self-rule, openness and pluralism. With continued help from the United States, and with our work on the interim Iraqi administration, what has become known as the Kurdish experiment in democracy can be a model for all of Iraq.

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