
Paul Bremer

O Administrador Americano no Iraque escreve hoje um artigo no Washington Post sobre a situação no Iraque....
Paul Bremer define sete pontos fundamentais para a soberania do Iraque...

1- The first step came two months ago with the creation of a 25-member Governing Council broadly representative of Iraqi society.

2- The second step took place last month when the Governing Council named a preparatory committee to devise a way to write a constitution.

3- The third and most important was putting day-to-day operation of Iraqi government in the hands of Iraqis. Last week the Governing Council named 25 ministers

4- Writing Iraq's new constitution is the fourth step. It begins after the preparatory committee recommends a process for writing a constitution to the Governing Council later this month

5- Step five, popular ratification of the constitution, is indispensable

6- The sixth step, election of a government, follows naturally. Shortly after the constitution is ratified by popular vote there will be an election to fill the elective offices specified in the constitution.

7- The seventh step, dissolving the coalition authority, will follow naturally on the heels of elections. Once Iraq has a freely elected government, the coalition authority will happily yield the remainder of its authority to that sovereign Iraqi government

The process is straightforward and realistic. No doubt there will be bumps on the path, especially as terrorists have decided to make Iraq a key battlefield in the global war on terrorism. But the Iraqi people, with the full support of the administration and its coalition partners, are on the way to exercising full political sovereignty.

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